Over the next ten days, I will be posting about the best and the worst novels, novellas, and short stories I read this year. Do note that not all of these books were released in 2015, some of them were released years, even decades ago, and I finally got around to them this year.
We're going to start out on a sour note and get the worst book of the year out of the way. This was a tie between Dean Koontz's Saint Odd and Ernest Cline's Armada. In the end I had to give Worst Book of 2015 to Armada because I actually expected to like the book. I dig pop culture references and nerd humor. Somehow, I allowed this godawful book to change that. Now, every time I read a pop culture reference I roll my eyes, and all my excitement for the new Star Wars movie has died. The nerd in me cries itself to sleep every night. That's how badly this fuck stain of a cash grab affected me.
Here's the link to my original review.
Let's all have a moment of silence for the damage this book has done to nerd culture. Ohm-men.