Fliers Review

Some people can look at a piece of toast and see Jesus. Or perhaps they find a Mother Teresa-shaped potato chip. Then you have people who cannot live without memes: dank memes, shit posting, pop culture reflection, social media masturbation, and so on.
If you're either of these types of people, you'll like this silly little book. I honestly can't believe it's a thing that exists, but hey, a fool and his dollar are easily separated. Not this fool, tho, because I was given a copy of this "book" by the publisher in return for this review.
Is a book of fliers wrapped in a dust jacket that moonlihgts as a telephone pole worth $12.99 plus tax? Who's to say? Not this guy. One man's trash is another man's treasure, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and yeah, there you go. It's whatever.
Buy it and keep it out in the open so your friends can judge your life choices. But let's be real. If you've purchased this book you don't have a life. Nor do you have friends or make choices beyond whether or not to wear clean underwear today. So maybe use the fliers inside as Kleenex to wipe away the crushing depression and ease the pain of your anxiety-induced seclusion?
Eat mor chikin.